Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Our youth and children's ministry aims to introduce every young person to the love and power of Jesus and help them cultivate a relationship with Him. Everything we do is rooted in the truth of God's word, and we endeavor to equip our children with all they need to live a fulfilled, victorious life in Christ.

Bible Teaching
Sunday School and Wednesday night Bible studies are designed to engage with our children in smaller groups to discuss real-life issues and discover the truth and answers in scripture. We offer biblical guidance and wisdom, but always point them back to Jesus and teach them to pray and invite God into every situation.
Ministries and Activities
We actively create opportunities for our children to express themselves through their various gifts and talents, allowing them to discover their true identity in Christ. Kids can participate in the children's choir, praise dance team, step team, and various other groups.
Y.E.S Day
Youth Empowerment Sunday (Y.E.S. Day) is the fourth Sunday of every month. This is when our children serve and minister in song, dance, and other creative expressions in the Sunday worship service.